Matrix Materials is a developer and manufacturer of Polymer Matrix Composite Masterbatches, Functionalized Reinforcing Fillers, and Thermoplastic Elastomers based on Regenerated Rubber Crumb. In most Matrix Materials products, recycled, re-purposed, and renewable materials are preferred to first use polymers and synthetic reinforcements. Although it may be more difficult, Recycling is what we choose to do.
To achieve our goals Matrix Materials employs a series of manufacturing activities by which material that has reached the end of its current use is processed and converted into material utilized in the production of new products
Our products are organized on this website by polymer type and reinforcing filler. Please browse the topical headings above to select a product or technology appropriate to your needs.
Some of the proprietary proceses and underlying technology used in our manufacturing process was initially developed by Robert Morgan & Company, Inc. with funding in part provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under two Small Business Innovation Research Grants (SBIR) and grants from the State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MI DEQ-SWAP)